Sunday, September 16, 2012

God's Crazy Plans

Shortly after the 9/11 tragedy I remember an email going around that listed people that had things happen to them on the morning of 9/11 that made them late for work or miss work.  One guy missed the train, another had a blister and stopped in the store to get an bandaide, another had a child that was sick and didn't go to work.  if each of those annoying situations would not have happened to them, they would have been in the World Trade Center on that morning.

Sometimes I think of the things that go on in my life, and what God could be using them for.

Today I went into work, brought lunch for a coworker and I, and planned on working on some things I had not had a chance to do this past week.  Well after we enjoyed our lunch I went to get to work, and found something awful.  The folder on our schools shared drive that holds every behavior document my coworker and I share, was missing.  I checked three computers and each had no behavior file on it. I restarted the computer, thinking that might do something, but no such luck.  I called my coworker, but she didn't answer.  I eventually figured, well I guess there is no point for me to stay here, I might as well leave.  And that I did.  I ran a few errands, went to some store that I enjoy and then went home.

All that while, I thought why did this happen?  I hoped that my school had a backup server for our files, but deep down, I knew Gods hand was in this.  I knew that He is totally in control of my life and if He wanted me doing something today, he may cause a computer error to make it happen.  You see, I serve a mighty God who knows everything that happens in the world with each invidvidual person on it.

I'm sure if you've read this far you are waiting for how God used me, seeing that I didn't use my few free hours on a Sunday catching up on work.  Well I don't have an answer.  I have no idea why that happened and I'm not sure I ever will.  One thing is for sure.  I will trust God for today, and tomorrow.  And then after tomorrow, I'll trust him again.  If my files are gone, He will still be good.

God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. -Hudson Taylor