Friday, January 23, 2009


Lots of random stuff... for one random girl....

Did you know I have a follower? I still don't get this blog thing but I think it is good for me to write for fun. I write all day at work but this is fun time. I never realized this but after reading incident reports and other people's writing, I am so thankful that I know how to spell most words, write in proper enlish and pretty much use grammer... Anyways, my follower... I saw this thing on my blog that said "follower" and I clicked on it and it said "Dan." No I don't have a stalker, but a college friend that is "following" me. I want to be Dan's follower, and eventually I will, but it takes me forever to remember how to do it, so for now
I will verbally commit to being a follower.

When it was -22 degrees outside the other day and I had to go to Walmart this man saw me trying to find a spot and he ran to his car pointing to his car trying to let me know he was leaving so I should wait for his spot. I almost cried at his kindness.

I just put the Christmas tree away tonight. I was trying to clean up as my mama-mia is coming tomorrow and although she knows I am not the neatest, which hasn't always been the case, I still wanted to clean up because right now you can't walk though the living room!

One of my first friends at NIU and her husband had their first little one Sunday, on her birthday. Kacie is a physical therapist and has a smile that always makes me happy. Eddie loves archeology and loves being outsides. Together this baby is going to be a hard working, Jesus loving athletic young man. He has wonderful mom and dad, great aunts and uncles, cool grandparents and some very special cousins.And we cant forget, baby Isaac's big brother Beau! Kacie was in my Lincoln Bible Study with InterVarsity. From that Bible study I still keep in touch with Beth, Amy, Sarah, Laura and Kacie. That year was one of the best of my life. I keep a picture of Kacie attacking me in a dinosaur outfit that Sarah stole from Eric and gave as our Christmas party white elephant gift! Bottom line- I love Kacie, Eddie and their new little one!!

I don't think Conan O'Brien is funny.

I am trying to think of more things to write because I don't want to clean!!!

Ok maybe tomorrow I will post an amazing thing God is doing through a horrible hiking accident and how a high school friend is connecting to my co-workers and the Church in Rockford. Oh, and it was also requested I talk about how the year is going so far so I will get that up soon. But for now, cleaning so I can play with my mommy tomorrow. =)


dan said...

Congrats to the Jakaitis family. Cute kid.

Where are you living now? Niles? I can't remember where you ended up.

You were my follower first actually. That's how I knew to do it. You've got more internet savvy than you thought.

Conan O'Brian sucks. Can't wait to see the train wreck that ensues when he takes over for Leno. Soon.

We should hang sometime, assuming you still live in Illinois. I think you do. Either that or Munich. Can't remember which.